Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Exam Time are my fun times??

For me, there has always been a great wave of emotional positiveness and hope for the future during a particular time. Girl!(or Boy!), don't you feel like exam time are times to reflect on your actions and pave a path for your future self? For the rest of my life, my energy levels are dormant but Miss. Exam is about to knock at my door and I'm all pheephoophiefoom.....

Here are the list of things I love love love doing when she decides to walk by(very slowly) :

The Sales and Shopping - I quote Michelle Phan, 'Love, Sale and Free are my favorite four lettered words.' And that is a sentence I lead my life by during exams. Otherwise, I am good at managing my resources and do not fall for sale baits. So for my study holidays, I'mma use it to find out sales nearby and schedule my study time around my shopping time. Yes, this is the time when my wardrobe of a million items are too less for my beautiful life. 


The Fitness Freak - I suddenly want to lose weight. By the end of this exam month, I shall weigh 10 kilos lesser #LifeGoals. True story,I skipped 800 counts, sprained my leg, suffered for a week and lost my study hours. I shall voluntarily risk my life bravely even when I know I have to focus on academics.

The Marvelous Movies - This is the time you know your TV channels are voodoo magicians working against your destined successful life. Damn! How does it know the list of movies I've wanted to watch? The First time on TVs during my exams are the ones that I've always wanted to watch. Alright, what do I do when there are advertisement breaks? I watch other channels because they too have custom tailored movie schedules designed just for me. There's no way to escape :-(

The Valuable yet Valueless Visits - During exam times my doors are not only open to Miss. Exam herself but also to my relatives and friends. God help me, they know exactly when to drop by. Its valuable because I hardly have guests at home and its lovely to meet and spend quality time when they finally have the time and opportunity to drop by. Its partly valueless because I am not fully engaged in the activities.

The Raptorial Reader - I am not good at phrasing my sentences but I don't quite know how to express my hunger for reading non-academic books during exams. Let me give you a description :  I am sensitive to slight shuffles of the books when they are disturbed, then there is a nervous series of raised heart beats, I am sweating. And Bam! I have pounced on a book. I finish it overnight and my excitement has only begun. Such a devil ;-)

The Focus on Future - It is during this time that I am aware of my gifted life. Questions on what I am doing with my life, what I am planning to do with it and how do I go about it cross my mind. I start maintaining a diary and a digital template to keep up with life and to answer my philosophical questions. Wow! Certainly not the best way to spend your study hours.

The Sound Sleeper - Although it is difficult to catch some sleep the night before exams, I sleep like a baby during my study holidays. I go to bed with the confidence of a student who finished third revision and wake up with the confidence to face reality and actually for the first-time-ever start studying. Okay, I studied the first three pages of my text book and what a day! *Falls back in bed*

Exam times are those times when my brain is most active, most creative, most efficient and most clearly distracted from the real purpose. Feel free to share your exam stress relievers in the comments section. Thanks for reading!

PS : This post is exaggerated. So kids, don't take this seriously and assume they are the reasons you're not doing well in tests. Seriously though, focus and learn to give it your best during exams

PS : Not all pictures belong to me. Some of them are supported by Pixabay


  1. This was a fun post. I can easily relate to most of what is on the list.
    Nice skipping rope.I spy my owl bookmark :)

    1. Thank you Manisha! Yes, I like the skipping rope too. Mine on the other hand are of pastel colors.
      That is your owl bookmark. How sweet of you to gift it to me <3
      Bear hugs to you!
